
"Connected Relationships" Program

Deep transformation program to heal your traumas of rejection and abandonment, open your heart and attract love into your life.

3 months

One-on-one sessions

Homework and assignments

Study at home video course

You might have a busy social life, a successful career, you are content in your daily life yet you are still unlucky in love...

Or you end up with a partner who is unavailable for a long-term, close and reciprocal relationship.

Falling in love with the wrong person, or finding it difficult to fall in love.

Staying in an unhealthy or unhappy relationship that lacks either the mutual attachment or intimacy.

Feeling insecure, needy, jealous on the emotional level.

Finding it hard to trust, obsessing about infidelity

Repressing you anger and having outbursts or resenting your partner.

Claim Your Freedom to Love

Clear away trapped emotions of Emptiness, Rejection, Jealousy, pain of Abandonment, Distrust, Inadequacy and more

Deepen connection, emotional intimacy and love with yourself and your partner

Be fully alive from within and access a new level of self-love and authenticity

Energetically express your joy in life in full freedom

Attract love into your life

Everything you've ever been looking for is inside your heart

What is included in the program:

Release childhood wounds

Five fundamental wounds that cause many physical, emotional or mental ailments:

Heal the wounds of the Heart

Clearing blocks around Safety, Self worth & Abandonment
Releasing inability to love, Distrust & Fear
Removing the Heart Wall

Open your Heart to Love

clear Discontent, Inadequacy, Criticism
clear Invulnerability, Harmony, Disloyalty
clear Emptiness, Rejection, Jealousy
Open yourself to Trust, Enlightenment, Transformation

Step into your power

Embody your inner Sovereign - King or a Queen
Dissolve doubts, insecurities

Create connected relationships

Open yourself to authentic communication
Learn about conscious dating
Learn the fundamentals of conscious, deeply-connected and fulfilling relationship

How do I do what I do

In a nutshell, I release people from their past, and help them to repattern negative beliefs. Like a detective I search for hidden unsupportive beliefs, conditioning, sabotaging behaviours, traumas and stuck emotions to remove them and bring the body, mind and spirit into alignment.  For yreras I’ve been studying different healing modalities of meditation, counselling, bodywork, shamanism, trauma research and neurophysiology. Student of some extraordinary teachers, such as Shantam Nityama, the International School of Temple Arts, School of Consent, the Spiral,  I combine energy work, NLP, modern psychology and emotional clearing techniques to help my clients to reach new depth and fulfilment in life.  By repatterining beliefs around sexuality, self worth and trust and self-love, I help women and men to find a way back to their authentic truth, vitality, intimacy and love.

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